One of the best strategies for any Adsense Site is try to create more engagement with the users and united that with social media presence, but probably one of the bigger mistakes related to organic traffic is forget their own niche and don’t be able to create new content consistently, periodically and with quality.
Create more money with the same Adsense site is totally possible but we need concentrate in that old sentence that says: “content is king”. And that is the most simple and powerful truth in the world of SEO what never be forgotten and today try to remember you this because if you need create more income, create new traffic and scale in your organic traffic you need a simply create more quality content for your niche blog.
What kind of content I need to make more money in Adsense?
Content that answers the main questions of your target market, for example if you have a Adsense site focus on music, you need to recognize what are the most important icons of the music right now and what search their fans online. Is not a difficult process but you need do it consistently, that is the most hard part of create a real big site that recieve a huge amount of traffic in just a couple of weeks, and that is the most common Achilles heel in all new sites without experience in SEO and scale incomes from publicity like Adsense.
What are the principal advantage of create content periodically?
For me the most important adventage is probably have new organic free traffic from Google in just a couple of weeks, but you need have in mind that your niche for Adsense probably have their own times, for example, create more articles for a new site without a linkbuilding strategy or forgotten others SEO elements like a correct selection of keywords, optimize titles, use powerful free plugins like SEOYoast and others like that, that influence the way and the time when you have results and a real strong position in search directly on Google and in front you competition.
Be consistent, is that what I need?
Yeah, but not that is only what you need. Your site is a ecological system and need very elements working together at the same time for create incomes and receive traffic like you need. Never forget the importance of social media strategy. Other leg of your strategy based on content always be have a strong presence on Twitter and Facebook in a practical way. For example, if you use WordPress, exist so many free plugins to create a solid strategy for share and spread your content in media. Do it involve, for our SEO purposes, a social signal of shared content and real users interacting with us in real time. So, you need a social media presence for create more traffic and improve your SEO creating a new element of consideration called social media signals for Google.